We want you to shop around for the best rate.

A mortgage borrower loses out on over $1,200 a year on average by failing to comparison shop for their mortgage loan according to research from Freddie Mac.Mortgage lenders know it. They know you don't want to fill out another application, share more sensitive information, or speak to another loan officer. That means many lenders don't even make their best offer until you bring them a better one.

We started Safe Rate to be a lender that thinks differently by caring about our customers' savings as much as our own. If we can save every homeowner $1,200 a year, that means, over time, we can save all homeowners over $84 billion every single year. That's like a nationwide stimulus program!

Our Beat This Rate chat feature tells homebuyers in under one minute if we can save them money by beating a current Loan Estimate. If we can't, we say so as well. We're not here to waste your time. We're here to help you get the lowest rate.

Our Refinance Me chat feature tells homeowners when interest rates have fallen far enough to confidently refinance their loan and save even more money. It's like having a personal mortgage advisor, and you get to avoid the sales pitch of a loan officer.

These features embed our core principles:

  • Make mortgage shopping easy
  • Offer our best rate first
  • Don't charge any pointless points or upfront lender fees
  • Never sell our users' data

We're the first to admit that we don't win on every loan (though we do win on most, 85%). And we'll always be transparent about when we don't. We're here to help you get the best rate, even if it's not from us. It sounds obvious, but shouldn't you keep your hard earned money, not the bank? We think so. So give us a try. We're here to help. And may the best rate win!

Our founding team

Dylan Hall

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

NMLS #1658740

Dylan's passion for improving mortgage lending stemmed out of his experience as a Teach for America math teacher in West side Chicago, where he witnessed how unscrupulous mortgage lending devasted the families of his students during the 2008 housing crisis. In business school, he became lead researcher for the book, House of Debt, shortlisted for Financial Times Book of the Year in 2014, detailing that crisis. Dylan previously founded and led technology development at Persee Ventures developing applications for institutions in finance, real estate and insurance and has been the CTO at a number of venture backed companies. He received his bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of lllinois Urbana-Champaign and his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Dylan is currently a lecturer at the University of Chicago in the Masters Program for Computer Science.

Shima Rayej

Founder and Chief Investment Officer

NMLS #1658741

Shima's passion for improving mortgage lending started during a Wall Street internship on Deutsche Bank's residential mortgage backed security desk after the housing crisis, where she learned about the widespread impact of poor lending practices on household wealth and how better, consumer-focused financial products and technology could help millions of homeowners. Prior to founding Safe Rate, Shima founded Persee Ventures with Dylan, where she led investment and product development. She started her career as a robotics engineer building path planning and obstacle avoidance algorithms for autonomous vehicles. Shima received her bachelor's in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.