Get the knowledge you need to be a successful homeowner


Homebuyer series

How do I become a homeowner?

9:47 mins

What are my mortgage options when buying a home?

5:57 mins

What is the mortgage process when buying a home?

4:44 mins

What is the mortgage closing process when buying a home?

3:02 mins

Tips for a successful purchase process

4:59 mins

What is a credit score and how do I build good credit?

4:51 mins


Refinance series

What is a refinance and when is it a good time to refinance my mortgage?

3:09 mins

What are my mortgage options for a refinance?

5:47 mins

What is the process to refinance my mortgage?

3:24 mins

What is the closing process when refinancing my mortgage?

2:56 mins

Tips for a successful refinance

5:25 mins


Credit series

What not to do when trying to qualify for a mortgage

2:53 mins

Understand your credit score - Payment history

1:51 mins

Understand your credit score - Credit utilization

1:29 mins

Understand your credit score - Length of credit history

4:42 mins

Understand your credit score - New credit

1:19 mins

Understand your credit score - Mix of credit

1:01 mins

Why are my credit scores different when a lender pulls credit?

2:36 mins

Why Equifax, Experian and Transunion have different scores?

3:04 mins

Quit freaking out about your lender pulling credit

1:43 mins

How a divorce impacts your credit score

1:47 mins

Why paying collections can hurt your credit score

2:24 mins

Life after bankruptcy - Rebuilding credit

2:19 mins

Understanding the MOP rating system - How to read a credit report

2:26 mins

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